The Trombone Lady

Oh my word! Wasn't that the craziest thing ever walking into Deseret Book and seeing what Marilynn Cannon left inside that book?!

For me, that's when I knew this was real. But I'm curious to hear what you think. Comment below and let's get this investigation started!

Also, you probably noticed this already but there are actually two 4- digit codes this time around so I went ahead and hid information people sent me in both. So make sure you find the other code so you don't miss anything!

So Jenny, my husband's golfing buddy's wife also auditioned she told me this crazy story about how one of the auditioners freaked out when she found out she didn't make the troupe. She's blogged about the whole experience here:

Read her post and tell me what you think. Could trombone lady be a potential threat to Gracie's troupe?

PS-After I tipped off by Jenny, I asked Gracie for the audition tapes and here is trombone lady's full audition:


  1. Two codes? Uh oh...

    1. Having trouble finding the second code? Here's a hint: the second code can be found near Nora.

  2. Still can't find the second code!! Any moe hints?

  3. Hint: It's around the 7 minute mark and on the couch Nora's sitting on

    Hope that helps! : )
